Stavros Kouchtsoglous*
It has been centuries since the bourgeois invented the means of voting, in order to suppress the desires of the people, and to keep them in misery, for so many years to make them believe that he - the hungry, the ragged, the miserable - is the Sovereign, and they are his servants. And for 120 years now I too, the worker - industrialist or farmer - have believed their lie as truth, their mockery as seriousness. And I have been cursed all over, and have suffered for generations to bring "the best" into things, to serve me, and these my chosen servants, coming into things, have always had first concern how to plunge me further into the mire of misery, enjoying from my misery and living from my death.
It is now enough henceforth. I cease now to have the title of lord and servant. I want no man's service, for I have resolved to serve myself. For I decide and say.
For I have now understood that all - Monarchists, Constitutionalists, Democrats, Socialists, etc. - are liars, and that all of them, wanting to work, offer themselves willingly to serve me ostensibly, and indeed to enjoy themselves out of my privations and to live happily all their lives at my expense, forcing me to work so that they may command and they may reap.
For I no longer wish to elect with my hands my tyrants, thus ratifying every four years by their invention - the vote - this burdensome social Contract, which keeps me in despair, in desolation and in death.
Because I no longer want to run every four years, like a dog, to elect at the ballot box, myself, the tyrants who will take an active part in the operation of this system, to crush the weak if they ask for a little bread in their hunger, paying them, myself, for their abominable work with money, with privileges, with honours.
For I have ceased to expect my salvation by the miracle of my vote. Gone are the days of miracles, of wizards, of saints, of saints, of spiritualists, of voting. I break this connotation of miracles and take my initiative, organizing myself financially and away from the political rot of the dilettantes, as if I now understood that my emancipation will only then be achieved and I will now myself - through my organization - indulge in the restoration of my position.
Because I want the disappearance of this obscene trade, where people are forced to sell their hands, their skills, their knowledge, their meat, their daughters, their sons, their families, their friendships, and to be exploited by the bankers, the merchants, the industrialists, the brokers, the brokers, the religion, the bureaucracy, the state, and that the doctor exploits the sick, the priest the dead, and that they all run like crooks down the slope of their humiliation, taking care only...
Το 1915, αλλά σε άγνωστη σε μας ημερομηνία, γεννήθηκε ο αναρχικός César Terron Abad στο Fabero της León της Ισπανίας. Τον Δεκέμβρη του 1933 συμμετείχε με μια ομάδα αναρχικών στην επίθεση στον στρατώνα της τοπικής φρουράς.
Κατά τη διάρκεια του εμφυλίου πολέμου, αφού πολέμησε στη μάχη του El Mazuco στην Αστούριας, το 1938 σχημάτισε μια ομάδα τριάντα περίπου ανταρτών που συνέχισε τον αγώνα κατά του φρανκισμού στις περιοχές Fabero και Ancares, με επιθέσεις και εξάλειψη φασιστών στην San Martín de Moreda, Bustarga, Villar de Otero, Vega de Espinareda και Fresnedo.
Πέθανε στις 21 Ιούλη 1940 στη Vega de Espinareda...
by Nikos Vrantsis
According to the European Institute for Gender Equality, femicide is recognized as ”the murder of women and girls because of their gender.” Gender based violence and murders are not new, but they remain undisclosed.
Greece is no exception to that. According to Greek Police data, 69 women were murdered in the years 2013-2018, due to domestic intrafamily violence (which accounts for 30-50% of all women victims of homicides per year). Nevertheless, the number of femicides is in fact much higher, since before law 4531 passed in 2018, current/former permanent partners or parties to a cohabitation agreement did...
Στο κτήριο της Ελληνικής κοινότητας της Μελβούρνης στις 18/07/2019
Με τον Ελευθεριακό στο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Στέκι Πέρασμα, 22/01/2018